Tuesday, 18 February 2025
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The Summary of ^Abdullah al-Harariyy

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The Summary of ^Abdullah al-Harariyy Ensuring the Personal Obligatory Knowledge of the Religion

Is a summary of most of the Obligatory Knowledge every accountable person is obligated to know.

This comprises the Obligatory Knowledge pertaining to belief, issues from Purification (Taharah) up to Pilgrimage (Hajj), and some rules of dealings according to the school (madhhab) of Imam ash-Shafi^iyy. The sins of the heart and of other organs, such as the tongue, are also included.

The original book was written by the Hadramiyy faqih (scholar): ^Abdullah Ibn Husayn Ibn Tahir. Many precious issues were added to the book; what was mentioned about Sufism was omitted. Some sentences were changed in such a way that it would not change the subject.

In a few cases the author mentioned what some Shafi^iyy scholars, like al-Bulqiniyy, preponderated in an effort to expose what was weak in the original book. One must pay due attention to this Obligatory Knowledge in order to have one's deeds accepted.


Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, to Him belong the endowments and proper commendations. May Allah increase the honor of Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, raise his rank, and protect his nation from what he fears for it. Thereafter;

Allah, the Exalted, praised the status of knowledge in Surat Mujadilah, Ayah 11:


which means: [Allah raises the ranks of those amongst you who believed and acquired the knowledge.]

Moreover, Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, to praise the status of knowledge, its teachers and its students. Ibn Majah related the Prophet said: <<O Aba Dhar, if you go and learn one verse of the Qur'an it will be more rewardable for you than praying one hundred rak^ahs of the optional prayers; and if you go and learn a chapter of the knowledge, it is more rewardable for you than praying one thousand rak^ahs of the optional prayers.>> Al-Bukhariyy related the Prophet, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, said: <<When the [Muslim] son of Adam dies, his deeds stop except for three: a charity resulting in a continuing benefit, a knowledge benefiting others, and a pious offspring making supplication to Allah for him.>>

In an effort to comply with these precious principles of Islam and under the genuine guidance and supervision of Shayk h Samir al-Qadi, the members of the Research Division of the Association of Islamic Charitable Projects endeavored to prepare this work. May Allah make it of a widespread benefit.

We humbly ask Allah, ta^ala, to grant us the sincere intentions, endow His mercy on us, assemble us under the banner of Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, and make us among the winners on the Day of Judgment.


The Summary of ^Abdullah al-Harariyy Ensuring the Personal Obligatory Knowledge of the Religion:

Is a summary of most of the Obligatory Knowledge every accountable person is obligated to know. This comprises the Obligatory Knowledge pertaining to belief, issues from Purification (Taharah) up to Pilgrimage (Hajj), and some rules of dealings according to the school (madhhab) of Imam ash-Shafi^iyy. The sins of the heart and of other organs, such as the tongue, are also included.

The original book was written by the Hadramiyy faqih (scholar): ^Abdullah Ibn Husayn Ibn Tahir. Many precious issues were added to the book; what was mentioned about Sufism was omitted. Some sentences were changed in such a way that it would not change the subject. In a few cases the author mentioned what some Shafi^iyy scholars, like al-Bulqiniyy, preponderated in an effort to expose what was weak in the original book. One must pay due attention to this Obligatory Knowledge in order to have one's deeds accepted.

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