Thursday, 16 January 2025
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How to pray the ^Id Prayer

1. One has the intention: “I intend to pray 2 rak^ahs the Sunnah of ^Idul-Fitr or ^Idul-Ad-ha prayer for the sake of Allah "as an imam" for the imam or “in congregation” for the follower.

2. Then one says the Opening: Allahu akbar

3. Then one says: Allahu akbar 7 times, between each one says: Subhanallah, wal-hamdulillah, wa la ilaha illallah, wallahu akbar

4. Then one recites Al-Fatihah

5. Then one recites Surat Qaf or Al-A^la

6. Then one makes Ruku^ (Bowing)

7. Then one makes I^ tidal (Straightening up)

8. Then one makes 2 Sujuds (Prostration)

9. Then one stands up for the second rak^ah saying Allahu akbar

10. Then one says: Allahu akbar 5 times, between each one says: Subhanallah, wal-hamdulillah, wa la ilaha illallah, wallahu akbar

11. Then one recites Al-Fatihah

12. Then one recites Surat Al-Qamar or Al-Ghashiyah

13. Then one makes Ruku^ (Bowing)

14. Then one makes I^ tidal (Straightening up)

15. Then one makes 2 Sujuds (Prostration)

16. Then one recites the Tashahhud

17. The one says Allahumma salli ^ala Muhammad

18. Then one says the Ending Salam: As-salamu ^alaykum

It is recommended for the one who missed the ^Id prayer to make it up.

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How to Become a Muslim

One becomes a Muslim by believing in the Two Testifications of Faith (referred to in Arabic as ash-Shahadatan) and uttering them with the intention of leaving out blasphemy.

I bear witness that no one deserves to be worshiped except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
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A.I.C.P. The Voice of Moderation