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The Explanation of Hadith Jibril about Iman - شرح حديث جبريل عن الإيمان - Page 12

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Preserving one’s honor is agreed on in all of the laws; fornication is prohibited in all of the laws, in the law of Adam and other prophets. Having sexual intercourse without a marriage contract is unlawful in all of the laws. Due to the ugliness of this matter, in the Law of Muhammad, if there is a ruler he will impose a penalty on the one who commits it, which is as follows: The punishment for the adulterer is pelting with average-sized stones until death, and for the fornicator is one-hundred lashes and one lunar year in exile. Allah said in the Qur’an:

﴿وَلاَ تَقْرَبُواْ الزِّنَى~ إِنَّهُ كَانَ فَاحِشَةً وَسَآءَ سَبِيلاً﴾

Allah mentioned adultery and fornication as among the obscene things since it violates one’s honor, lineage and it is an enormous sin.

ومن الأشياءِ التي اتفقت عليها الشرائع حفظُ العَقلِ، حَرَامٌ تَضييعُ العَقلِ كَشُربِ الخَمرِ، ما يفتريه النصارى أَنَّ عيسى أَمَرَ بشربِ الخَمرِ هو كَذِبٌ، بعد رفع عيسى بثلاثمائة سنة أتى رجُلٌ اسمه قسطنطين فحرف الدين ثم أتى بعده شخصٌ اسمه بولس، هذا شرب الخمر حتى ثَمِلَ فزنى بأُختِهِ، قيل له: كيف تفعل هذا؟ قال: أنا فعلت ما فعله بنو ءادم.

افترى على عيسى قال: عيسى قال: "قليل من الخمر يفرح قلب الإنسان".

أيضًا اتفقت الشرائع على حفظ المال، لا توجد شريعة تبيح أن يحرق الإنسان المال أو يلقيه هنا أو هنا.

Among the unanimously agreed upon things is preserving one’s mind, it is unlawful for one to lose his mind like by drinking alcohol. What the Christians fabricate about ^Isa that he ordered people to drink alcohol is a lie. Three hundred years after ^Isa was raised to the sky, a man called Constantine came and perverted the religion; after him another man called Bulus came who drank wine until he got intoxicated then committed fornication with his sister. It was said to him: Why did you do that? He said: I did what the Children of Adam did. He fabricated things about ^Isa, he said: ^Isa said: “A little of wine would delight the heart.”

Also, the laws agreed on preserving one’s money, there is no law which makes it legal for one to burn his money or to throw it away here and there.

قال عليه الصلاةُ والسلام: " واليَوْمِ الآخِرِ ": وهو يوم القيامة ويَجِبُ الإيمانُ بِهِ، اللهُ أَعَدهُ يجمع به الناس، متى يكون يوم القيامة؟ اللهُ ما أطْلَعَ أحد، جبريل سَأَلَ النبيِّ: متى الساعة؟ فقال: ما المسئولُ عنها بأعلَمَ مِنَ السَائِلِ، معناه نحن مشتركانِ في هذا الأمرِ وهو عدمُ المعرفةِ بميقاتِ الساعةِ. قال: فأخبرني عن أماراتها (أي عَلاَمَاتِها) فقالَ: «أن تَلِدَ الأمةُ رَبَّتَهَا – أي سَيّدَتَها – وأن تَرَى الحفاةَ العُراةَ العالَةَ رِعاءَ الشَاءِ يَتطاولونَ في البنيانِ» وهذا حصل. وهذه من العلامات الصغرى فإن الساعة لها علامات صُغرى وعلامات كبرى، فالذي ورد في الحديث المذكور هو من العلامات الصغرى وقد قال بعض العلماء أنها حصلت.

ومِنَ العَلامَاتِ الصُغرى أيضًا: زَوالُ جِبَالٍ عن مَراسيهَا وكَثرَةُ الزَّلازلِ وكثرةُ الأمراضِ التي ما كانَ يعرفها النّاسُ سَابِقًا، وكثرةُ الدَّجالينَ وخُطباءُ السُّوءِ وقد حَصَلَ ذلكَ. ومنهَا ادّعاءُ أُناسٍ النّبوةَ وقد حَصَلَ هذا أيضًا، وتَغيُّرُ أحوالِ الهواءِ في الصيفِ يَصيرُ كأنهُ في الشتاءِ وفي الشتاءِ يَصيرُ كأنهُ في الصَيفِ، وكذلك قِلَّةُ العِلم وكَثرَةُ الجَهلِ أي الجَهلِ بعِلمِ الدينِ وهذا قد حَصَلَ، وكَثرةُ القَتلِ والظُّلمِ، وتَقَارُبُ الزَّمانِ، وتقاربُ الأسواقِ، وتداعي الأُمَمِ عَلىَ أُمّةِ محمّدٍ كتداعيهِم على قَصعةِ الطَّعَامِ يُحيطونَ ِبِهم مِنْ كُلّ صوبٍ، وهذا كُلُّه حَصَلَ أيضّا.

The Messenger of Allah sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam said: “The Last Day”. It is the Day of Judgment, it is obligatory to believe in it. Allah ta^ala prepared it to assemble people on that day. When is the Day of Judgment? Only Allah knows when it will be. Allah ta^ala did not reveal that to any one. When Jibril asked the Prophet: When would the day of Judgment be? The Prophet sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam said: “The One who is being asked about it does not know more than the one who has asked about it.” It means that we are both common in not knowing about when the Day of Judgment will be. Jibril then asked, “Then tell me about the signs of the Day of Judgment?” The Prophet sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, replied with what means, “The Day of Judgment will arrive after the girls will harm the mothers immensely, they would treat them as if they were their slaves, and the peasants along with the shepherds who were once known to be both bear foot and poor, will be wealthy enough to build tall buildings.”

These signs have already occurred. These are among the minor signs for the occurrence of the Day of Judgment, for the Day of Judgment has minor and major signs; what was mentioned in the hadith is about the minor signs; some of the scholars said that it had already happened.

Some other minor signs are: Some mountains will be demolished from their bases, the occurrence of many earthquakes, the occurrence of many illnesses previously unknown, people will falsely claim Prophethood, the appearance of many deceivers and misleaders – among them will be the preachers of corruption, detectable changes to the weather conditions and a widespread of events of killings and injustice will take place, a speedy elapse of time whereby a year would seem like a month and a month would seem like a week and so on will be experienced, the various market places will be close to one another in distance. In addition, other nations will take advantage of the fortunes of the Muslim nation, as one would take advantage of a delicious banquet of food, whilst they surround them from all directions. All of these indications are known to have already occurred.

ومنها ظُهورُ المَهديُ عليه السّلامُ, وهُوَ ثابتٌ في الحَديثِ الصّحيحِ الذي رواه ابن حبّانَ في صَحيحِهِ والَلفظُ لَهُ، وأبو دَاودَ في سُنِنهِ والترمذيُّ في جَامِعِه وِالحَاكِمُ في المُستدرَكِ مِنَ حَديثِ عَبدِ اللهِ بِنِ مسعودٍ رضي الله عنه عن رسولِ الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: «لا تقومُ السّاعَةُ حتى يَملِكَ النَاسَ رجلٌ من أهلِ بيتي يواطىءُ اسمُهُ اسمي واسمُ أبيهِ اسمَ أبي فيملؤها – أي الأرض- قِسطًا وعدلاً» فالمهديُّ عَليهِ السلامُ اسمُهُ محمّدُ بنُ عبد الله وهو حَسَنيٌّ أو حُسينيٌّ من ولدِ فاطمةَ رضي الله عنها، وقد وَرَدَ في الأثرِ أنه يَسيرُ مَعَهُ في أوّلِ أمرِهِ مَلَكٌ ينادي: «يّا أيها النّاسُ هذا خَليفةُ اللهِ المهديُّ فاتّبعوه»، وَوَرَدَ في الأثرِ أيضًا أن المهديَّ أوّلُ ما يَخرُجُ يخرجُ من المَدينةِ ويخرجُ معه ألفٌ من الملائِكَةِ يمدُّونَهُ وينتظرهُ في مكةَ ثلاثمائةٍ من الأولياءِ هُمُ أوّلُ من يبايعهُ، ثم يخرجُ جيشٌ لغزوهِ فيَخسِفُ الله به الأرض فيما بينَ مكةَ والمدينة، بعدَ ذلك يأتي إلى بَرِّ الشَامِ. وفي أيّام المهديّ تَحصُلُ مجاعَةٌ، والـمُؤمنُ في ذلكَ الوقتِ يشبعُ بالتّسبيحِ والتّقديسِ أي بِذِكرِ الله وتعظيمِهِ، يعني المُؤمنَ الكَامِلَ.

Among the last of the minor signs yet to happen is the appearance of our Master al-Mahdiyy. This was mentioned by the Prophet in a hadith:

«لا تقومُ السّاعَةُ حتى يَملِكَ النَاسَ رجلٌ من أهلِ بيتي يواطىءُ اسمُهُ اسمي واسمُ أبيهِ اسمَ أبي فيملؤها – أي الأرض- قِسطًا وعدلاً»

It means: “The Day of Judgment will occur only after a man from my descendants comes forth. His name is like mine and his father’s name is like my father’s name. He will fill the earth with peace and justice as it had been congested with corruption and injustice.”

This hadith has been related by Ibn-Hibban in his book as-Sahih and by Abu Dawud in his book as-Sunnan and by at-Tirmidhiyy in his book al-Jami^ and al-Hakim in his book called al-Mustadrak, as it was in turn, related from the companion ^Abdullah Ibn Mas^ud, may Allah raise his rank, as he heard it from the Prophet, peace be upon him.

Known as al-Mahdiyy, his full name is Muhammad Ibn ^Abdillah. He will be from the descendants of either al-Hasan or al-Husayn, the sons of Fatimah, the daughter of the Prophet.

Initially, in his mission, al-Mahdiyy will be accompanied by an angel. This angel will call unto the people “Oh people he is the Caliph (Khalifah) of Allah al-Mahdiyy so follow his path.”

It was mentioned from the route of the Companions that when

al-Mahdiyy appears, he will come out from Madinah accompanied with one-thousand angels; three hundred from the awliya’ (upright Muslims) will wait for him in Makkah; they will be the first ones to pledge allegiance to him. Then an army will set forth to fight him, Allah will then make the earth cave in underneath them. After that al-Mahdiyy will come to the land of ash-Sham.

A famine will take place during the days of al-Mahdiyy; the complete believer will be satiated by mentioning the name of Allah and Glorifying Him.

وأشراطُ السّاعَةِ الكُبرى عَشَرةٌ وهي: خُروجُ الدَّجَّالِ، ونُزُولُ المَسِيحِ، وخروجُ يأجوجُ ومأجَوجَ، وطُلوعُ الشَّمس من مغرِبها، وخروجُ دابَّةِ الأرضِ، ونُزولِ الدُّخَانُ، وثَلاثةُ خَسوفٍ وخُروجِ نارٌ من قَعرِ عدن باليمنِ.

The major signs are ten, which will occur in the following order:

The Imposter (Dajjal) will emerge, Prophet ^Isa will descend from the second sky, Ya’juj and Ma’juj will come forth from their concealed place of residence, the sun will rise from the West, the Earth Dabbah (Animal) will emerge. Then a vast spread of smoke will be followed by three land slides, and the journey of great fire will originate from the deep valley of ^Adan in Yemen.

ومن علامات الساعة الكبرى ظهور رجل يقال له المسيح الدجال يظهر يَدَّعي الألوهية ويقول للنَّاس: أَنا ربكم، فيتبعه بعض النَّاس ويكون معه من الفتن الشئ الكثير، أحيانًا يَجُرُ وراءه جبل من خبز؛ هذا عيسى يقتله ويُريحُ النَّاس منه بعد أن يكون استفاض شره بين النَّاس، الرسول حَذَرنا مِنهُ في ما ورد عنه في الدعاء: "اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ من عذاب القبر ومن عذاب النار ومن فتنة المحيا والممات ومن فتنة المسيح الدجال", وَأَخبَرَ عَنهُ أَنَّهُ أعور العين كما قال صلى الله عليه وسلم: "إنَّ ربكم ليس بأعور".

Among the major signs of the Day of Judgment is the emerging of a man who is called al-Masih ad-Dajjal (Imposter) and he is also known by The one-eyed Imposter (Al-A^war ad-Dajjal), he appears and claims Godhood; he would say to people: I am your lord, some people would follow him. He brings with him much seditions (fitan). Sometimes he would pull behind him a mountain of bread. ^Isa (Jesus) would kill him and rid people of him after his evil would have spread among people.

The Messenger of Allah sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam warned us about him in the supplication (du^a’) he taught us:

"اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ من عذاب القبر ومن عذاب النار ومن فتنة المحيا والممات ومن فتنة المسيح الدجال"

It means: “O Allah, I seek refuge with you from the torture of the grave, the torture of Hellfire, the seditions of life and death, and from the sedition of the Imposter Masih.”

He said about him that he is one-eyed and that “your Lord is not one-eyed.”

والأعورُ الدجالُ إنسانٌ من بني ءادمَ والظاهر أنه من بني إسرائيلَ، إحدى عينيهِ طافيةٌ كالعِنَبَةِ والأخرى مَمسوحةٌ فلذلك يقالُ لّهُ الأعورُ. وهو الآنَ مَحبوسٌ في جزيرةٍ في البَحرِ، المَلاَئكةُ حَبَسوهُ هُنَاكَ، وَهذِهِ الجَزيرةُ لَيسَت مَعروفَةً، رءاه واجتمعَ بِهِ الصَّحابيُّ تميمُ بن أوسٍ عِيَانًا، رَكِبَ ومَنْ مَعَهُ السّفينةَ فتاهَت بِهِمُ السَفينةُ شَهرًا وَبَعُدَت، ثمَّ وصلوا إِلى جزيرةٍ فاجتمعوا بِهِ مُكبَّلاً بالسّلاسِلِ، وهُوَ رجلٌ عظيمٌ جسدُهُ، كَلَّمَهم باللسانِ العربيّ قال: أَنا فُلان، وسأَلَهم عن أشياء، هل صارَ كذا، هل صارَ كذا، وسألهُم عَنْ رَسولِ اللهِ صلى اللهُ عليهِ وسلم، هل ظهرَ النبيُّ العربيُّ، ثم نَزَلَ الوحيُ على رَسولِ اللهِ بِمثلِ ما رأى هذا الصحابي من الدَّجَّال. وهذا الأعورُ الدّجالُ اللهُ تعالى ابتلاءَ مِنهُ يُظهِرُ على يَديهِ خوارقَ، ومن عَجَائِبِهِ أنه يشقُّ رَجلاً من المؤمنينَ يُكذِّبُهُ في وجههِ نصفينِ ثم يُحييهِ بإذنِ الله فَيقولُ الرجلُ الذي فُعِلَ بِهِ ذَلِكَ: لم أَزدَدْ بهذا إلا تكذيبًا لكَ، ويقولُ للسَّماءِ أمطري فتمطرُ، ويقول للأرضِ أخرجي زرعَكِ فَتُخرِجُهُ، مَعَهُ نهرانِ وَاحدٌ مِنْ نَارِ وهو بردٌ على المؤمنينَ وواحدٌ من ماءٍ وهو نارٌ عليهم. وأوّلُ ما يظهرُ الدّجال يكونُ يَومٌ كَسَنةٍ ويَومٌ كَشهرٍ ويَومٌ كأسبوعٍ، وقَبلَ ظُهورهِ بثلاثِ سنواتٍ تُمسِكُ السَمَاءُ ثُلُثَ مائها ثم بعدَ سنةٍ تمسِكُ ثُلُثَي مائها ثم قبلَ ظهورِهِ بِسَنَةٍ تمسِكُ كُلَّ مائها، ثم هذا الأعورُ الدّجّالُ يُصادِفُ

نبيَّ اللهِ عيسى بِفِلَسطينَ فَيقتُلُهُ نبيُّ اللهِ عيسى هناكَ ببابِ اللُّدّ ويريحُ الناس من شره، والُّلدُّ قَريةٌ من قُرَى فلسطينَ.

Al-A^war ad-Dajjal is a human from the Children of Adam, apparently he is from the Children of Israel. He is described as having one eye protruding like a bulging out grape, while the other one is totally flat, as well as being a great deceiver and liar. This is why he is also called ‘the one-eyed Imposter’, and in Arabic “A^war Ad- Dajjal”, which means the same.

Amazingly, he is now chained by angels on an island. The whereabouts of this island is unknown to anyone. He cannot emerge before his due time. He has been imprisoned there for a long time as it was illustrated by the incident told by a Companion of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam.

Tamim Ibn Aws tells that he and other Companions were sailing when their boat went astray leaving them lost in the ocean for one month. The boat was drifting deeper into the ocean when it stopped at an island. There, they were met with the one-eyed Imposter. The Companion described him to the Prophet as having a huge body and obviously knows the Arabic language, since he communicated with him in Arabic. He introduced himself to them and asked them many questions. Among his questions he asked if the prophet of an Arab origin – meaning Prophet Muhammad – has come forth yet. They said: “Yes.” The purpose of his question was to measure the remaining term of his imprisonment before his freedom. He is aware that his release will be one of the signs indicating the approach of the Day of Judgment, which will happen in a time after the revelation of Prophet Muhammad.

Then the description of the Imposter was revealed to Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam and it was the same as that Companion mentioned.

He will possess extraordinary powers all given to him by Allah, the Exalted.

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